Friday, 14 March 2014

Structured Dialogue cycle III – “Social Inclusion” - Greek Presidency 10 to 12 March 2014

Structured Dialogue: a process for discussions between young people and policy makers about different themes, to make sure the opinions of young people are taken into account in defining the EU’s youth policies.

The third cycle of the Structured Dialogue is currently underway. The thematic priority for this cycle is the "social inclusion of young people across Europe".

After the Irish Presidency (January 2013 to June 2013) and the Lithuanian Presidency (July 2013 to December 2013) the last of the current trio, the Greek Presidency (January 2014 to June 2014) took place in Thessaloniki 2014: European Youth Capital from 10 to 12 March 2014. 

The European Commission and the European Youth Forum are responsible for coordinating the process and deciding upon sets of questions to be asked to young people across Europe. These questions are used as the basis for national consultations in each EU country, which are organised by National Working Groups, which in most cases are led by youth councils and include other youth organisations and stakeholders.

In Greece, the national consultation was held until 27 January 2014 and the National Report can be found here (in Greek). 

Facilitating, along with my Turkish co-worker, one of the seven workshops of the Conference about social entrepreneurship was an enriching experience. 
The agenda, the press release and the joint recommendations of the EU Youth Conference in Thessaloniki can be found here.

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