‘ In the frame of the three-year ‘Action plan on management issues of Natural Environment’ and more specifically in the frame of Action ‘Training Program’ of the Ministry of Environment, Planning & Public Works, the realization of which has been undertaken by the Greek Biotope / Wetland Centre (Goulandris Natural History Museum), the seminar ‘Environmental Licensing in Protected Areas’ was held on the 30th of October 2008 in the building of the Greek Biotope / Wetland Centre in Thessaloniki. The aim of the seminar is the briefing of executives of services of administration in subjects that concern the environmental licensing in protected areas, aiming at the formulation of in common criteria to encounter. Participants would be executives of administration of whom the work is related directly or indirectly with the environmental licensing. ’
The programme:
- Environmental Licensing in Natura 2000 areas /Stavroula Vanikioti, Management of Natural E

Specifications and processes for the approval of Environmental Impact Assessments & Estimation of impacts for tourism installations / Rebeka Mpatmanogloy, General Environmental Issues Department - Ministry of Environment, Planning & Public Works
Special Spatial Planning for Industry / Lena Karka, Spatial Planning Department - Ministry of Environment, Planning & Public Works
Estimate of impacts from hydroelectric dams / M. Koutrakis, Fisheries Research Institute - National Agricultural Research Foundation
Estimate of impacts in the environment from road works and compensatory measures & Protection of the wild fauna in the frame of manufacture and operation of road works / Thalia Valkoyma, EGNATIA ROAD S.A.
My question had to do with the SPA ‘DELTA AXIOU-LOUDIA-ALIAKMONA-ALYKI KITROUS’ that includes the wetland of Kalochori, a region in the Prefecture of Thessaloniki.
a) Stavroula Vanikioti said that the Ministry has sent the list of the Hellenic SPA’s to the European Union and that there will be an adoption of them as has already happened with the Commission’s Decision of 19 July 2006 adopting, pursuant to Council Directive 92/43/EEC, the list of sites of Community importance for the Mediterranean biogeographical region [Official Journal of the European Union L 259/1, 21.9.2006, pp.1–104]
b) As a reply to my saying that at this time the region is planned to be part of the General Town Planning both Rebeka Mpatmanogloy & Lena Karka said that this can happen.
After all it was just a training programme ... to formulate common criteria for the encounter of problems related to environmental licencing in protected areas ...

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