Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Climate Change Train, a Challenge Europe initiative (2009-2010)

British Council announced last June that 15 young Greeks are invited to become ‘Climate Advocates’ and join the Challenge Europe project. Challenge Europe is a British Council project that brings together ambitious young people who want to make a lasting impact on climate change. It provides a platform to develop innovative and practical solutions to reduce carbon use.

Eleni & Dimitris from Kerkyra, Katerina from Athens and Antigone&me from Thessaloniki started last October to organise the Climate Change Train. Since there is a train connection between Thessaloniki and Istanbul daily with the train (Friendship/Filia/Dostluk Express) we invited the Turkish Climate Advocates for a awareness campaign on climate change with the use of friendly means, trains.

During the year a lot happened, good & bad, and Litsa & Giorgos joined the team. At the 17th of September a reality check on what we know about climate change was held in the Central Station of Thessaloniki. There were also a board and cards for those who wished to leave a message on climate change. Jumping in the train, we arrived in Istanbul on Saturday 18th to unite with our Turkish colleagues on Sircesi Train Station. Next stop, Sunday 19th Haydarpasa Train Station on the Asian part of Istanbul and Monday the 20th we arrived back to Greece to Alexandroupoli. Nearly 100 children (82 from primary education & 28 from secondary education) arrived at the morning at the Train Station of Alexandroupoli to learn and watch videos on climate change and play a game on ozone. In the afternoon a local radio station honored our initiative coming to the station to make a live broadcasting! On Wednesday, 22nd, No Car Day the initiative ended with a Green Talks in Olympion theatre of Thessaloniki with invited guests Mr Pyrgidis, professor on transportation at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Mr Zerefos, president of the International Ozone Commission.

An awesome experience! Thank you all!!!

More info @

CNN TURK – 18/09/2010 http://video.cnnturk.com/2010/haber/9/18/iklim-savunuculari-istanbulda

Turisminesi – 18/09/2010 http://www.turizminsesi.com/haber/iklim-treni-istanbula-geldi-8079.htm

Ppt pres.– 22/09/2010 http://www.scribd.com/doc/38403048/To-Treno-Tis-Klimatikis-Allagis-2009-2010

Pictures – 22/09/2010 http://picasaweb.google.com/christinakontaxi/GreenTalks#

ClimateChangeTrain@et3nationalTV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-0Wes-uMO0