The results…
The Treaty of Lisbon was signed by the Heads of State or Government of the 27 Member States in Lisbon on 13 December 2007. The Treaty of Lisbon amends the current EU and EC treaties, without replacing them. It will provide the Union with the legal framework and tools necessary to meet future challenges and to respond to citizens' demands. After the official signing on 13 December 2007, the treaty will still not apply until and unless it is ratified by each of the European Union's 27 member states. It is up to each country to choose the procedure for ratification, in line with its own national constitution. The target date for ratification set by member governments is 1 January 2009 — a few months before the elections to the European Parliament.
In Greece, New Democracy (Conservative Right) & Panhellenic Socialist Movement - PASOK (Socialist) voted in favor, while the Communist Party of Greece - KKE (Communist), the Coalition of the Radical Left - SYRIZA (Leftist) and the Popular Orthodox Rally - LAOS (Far Right) voted against. In detail, the Panhellenic Socialist Movement - PA.SO.K (Socialist) declared the wish for a referendum. Former Prime Minister and current PASOK MP Costas Simitis said that George Papandreou (current leader of PASOK) decision is not in keeping with the policy of the governments of his father, Andreas, and Simitis himself, which had always opted for the ratification of treaties to take place in Parliament. As a response, George Papandreou no longer considers Costas Simitis as a deputy of the Socialist party. What would happen if there was a referendum and the Greeks voted against the treaty of Lisbon? The Coalition of the Radical Left - SYRIZA (Leftist) declared that Greeks should vote in favor or against the treaty and that the government is afraid of the people and has fear for democracy. The Communist Party of Greece - KKE (Communist) is against EU and against everything it represents. The Popular Orthodox Rally - LAOS (Far Right) claimed that with the treaty, many decisions will be taken in Brusseles.
Members of the European parliament…
In 2004, 63,11% of the population voted in Greece while the mean rate of participation for the rest European Union member states was 44,6%. Following the results of the elections, Greece has 24 members in the European Parliament. Out of the 24, 11 are members of the European People’s Party, 8 are members of the Party of European Socialists, 4 are members of the Confederal Group of the European United Left / Nordic Green Left and 1 is member of the Independence/Democracy Group. It’s worth noting that the 3 out of 4 members of the Confederal Group of the European United Left / Nordic Green Left are members of the Communist Party of Greece – KKE.
As a conclusion…
The ratification of the Lisbon Treaty didn’t receive the proper attention in Greece. Media gave more attention to the disagreement between Simitis and Papandreou than to the treaty itself. If a referendum was organized, who would (+could) explain to Greeks that the European Union is based on the rule of law and everything derives from treaties, which are agreed on voluntarily and democratically by all Member States? The treaty of Lisbon follows the Treaty of Nice, which follows the Treaty Amsterdam, which follows the Treaty of Maastricht and so on and so on…

Coalition of the Radical Left – SYRIZA: “No to EuroTreaty – Referendum now!”
More info:
EUROPA – Treaty of Lisbon